Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Aaah, the effect of asparagus

Yep, had asparagus the past two days and could really tell after taking a "bio-break". That stuff adds a pretty potent smell to the released liquid. I'm not sure if it added anything to the gas build up, but it sure did remind me that I had it today.


  • And there's nothing like the yellow glow of the liquid when eating asparagus.

    It sort of have that neon-flourescent color.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 25 July, 2006 11:29  

  • Just in case you were wondering why that is, someone has actually written an article on it!

    By Blogger KirkK, at 26 September, 2006 11:06  

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