Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Does my ass smell?

OK, so is it disgusting to wear the same pair of shorts every other day for one week (i.e. four times)? It's not like a shirt where there could be noticeable smell from the armpit areas. Unless you don't wear underwear or had explosive diarrhea or just generally have gnarly butt sweat, I contend that wearing shorts multiple times before washing isn't all that bad. Plus, it helps conserve water (yeah, that's a good reason). Also, if you're sniffing down in that area, you better have a good reason.


  • the answer to your question is NO.

    to all of the other readers, i believe this topic came about was because bert only brought 2 pairs of shorts with him during our recent 1 week trip to Hawaii. i gently chided him for only bringing 2 pairs.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 12 July, 2006 09:13  

  • I'd side with Bert on this...
    As a rule, male lowerwear is typically made of sterner stuff than shirts, can handle a bit more abuse and wear, and with underwear is at least slightly insulated from direct contact with the potentially swampy areas... and so I find it forgivable to be a little more lax on the number of times one wears shorts, pants, and jeans compared to, say, long as it does not violate the nose-test and the visibly-dirty-test.

    We needn't treat all clothing equally; men have a developed sense of gradation. I'd compare pants in relation to shirts similar to how I would compare shirts to underwear and jackets to pants. Underwear gets washed after one use, shirts after 1 to 3 uses, pants after 3 to 7 or more(jeans), and jackets can go weeks.

    Of course this is all barring unpleasant accidents such as being splashed with mud or spaghetti sauce or in your case perhaps, having unpleasant gastrol dealings with King Kamehameha's Revenge.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 12 July, 2006 15:13  

  • perhaps some men's sense of smell is rather flawed. i know of a few guys who don't really think or realize they reek. perhaps they don't wear anti-perspirant or deodorant. maybe it'snot important to them, but for personal hygiene and such, anti-perspirant should be a must.

    3-7 jeans? 7? gosh, after 2-3 times for my nice work pants, i get them dry cleaned ASAP. for my silk blouses 2-3 times as well.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 12 July, 2006 20:08  

  • If I wear a t-shirt under my aloha shirt, I usually have no problem wearing the aloha shirt a second time. T-shirts however, only get one wear for me.

    As for the jeans going 3-7 times... yeah, I'd go with that too.

    I can't say I wash my silk shirts that often because I DON'T HAVE ANY! (although silk would probably feel kinda nice against my nipples...)

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 12 July, 2006 21:26  

  • Okay guys... wrong wrong wrong. So wrong...

    I have worn pants 3 times. Only because I've been overweight for the last year or two and have refused to buy more pants in a larger size. Meaning, I had to wear a pair of pants 3 days in a week. Gross.

    Now I've broken down and bought enough pants to wear them once or twice a week. Either way, I can not wear pants again if I've sweat in them.

    Also, even if I've worn something just 2 hours, EVERYTHING gets washed over the weekend.

    So FYI, anything over 4 times, just say no. I know you can all afford the water to wash everything pair of pants and shirts weekly.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 July, 2006 21:45  

  • alright... addendum...

    when I do laundry, EVERYTHING gets reset to zero cuz I wash it all no matter once or thrice.

    also, when I wrote my response, I had in my mind wears of traveling; i try and pack minimally. However, I won't backpedal. If one has a sedentary job in an AC office and proper underclothing and deoderant and whatnot, I see nothing wrong with multiple wears...

    But then again I am one of the reeky so nothing I say really counts. Perhaps I've spent too much time in Europe.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 14 July, 2006 23:27  

  • Okay, you've set my mind at ease. Travelling is an entirely different beast and all sorts of sins are forgiven.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 July, 2006 07:16  

  • hee hee

    You'll also be quite surprised at what (possibly bad) habits and tolerances you might pick up when you have to go to a coin-op laundry room and pay $2-3 per load for past 13 years. If I had my own in-studio washer/dryer, I'd probably do laundry as often as I do dishes.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 15 July, 2006 11:03  

  • back to fact, i'm doing a load right now...and there's stuff in there that i've only worn once. those include tank tops and underwear (i would hope the latter is worn only ONCE before getting washed). due to this heat wave, i've been sweating like a beast and it sux. i hate sweat and smelling gross. even if i have to shower 2 or even 3 x a day, i'd do it...

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 15 July, 2006 21:29  

  • i guess there is a divide between the guys/chick clothing matters. I agree with mikshir that male lowerwear can stand up to a little more use. It does lead to a false sense of security, however, seeing how slacks can look fresh, but NOT SMELL fresh.

    since i work a sedentary day job, i usually wear slacks 2 times before i throw it in the wash.

    females can't get away with this action, cuz of much different clothing requirements ... they actually have to appear to care what or how they're dressing. men, unless they're trying to get laid or get a job, generally do not care.

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 18 July, 2006 08:49  

  • i'm not afraid to say it, i take pride in my appearance, especially for work. especially with what i shell out for my wardrobe. i believe in looking professional.

    but since i'm on vacation and i'm at homemostof the time, who cares. shorts and a tank top for me.

    don't forget supe that most hetero men don't care about their appearance unless they're trying to, as you say, 'get laid' or 'get a job'. but the metrosexual (do they even exist anymore?) and the good looking gay guys (and well groomed ones as well) take pride in their appearance. perhaps for the same reasons? or because looking your best is important?

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 18 July, 2006 09:11  

  • looking your best is important? geez, i think you're asking a little too much from us hetero males.

    i'll paraphrase a quote from Artie Lang: "If men wasn't so starved for this sex thing, women would end up being this strange species from another land that men wouldn't really have that much to do with."

    think about it . . . the look of my office could actually be THE LOOK OF MY HOUSE, if it wasn't for the want of a particular woman.

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 19 July, 2006 22:22  

  • I'm reminded of Billy Crystal's Fernando... "it's betta to rook good, than to feel good."

    By Blogger mikshir, at 20 July, 2006 08:13  

  • just to clarify, i'm not a shallow looks obsessed person. just someone who believes in not looking like crap when stepping out of the house.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 20 July, 2006 21:16  

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