Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

3 point turn

OK, general question to anyone who's bored enough to read my blogs.

When initiating a 3-point turn (yes, the manuever everyone remembers from driver's training) in a car initially parked at a curb in a residential neighborhood, do you:

1. use only the street area to complete the 3-point turn
2. look for the nearest driveway, pull in, back out, and go the other way

If there were no cars parked on the curbs, the street would be wide enough to make a complete U-turn (without having to do a 3-point turn). The street is not a busy street with car traffic.


  • Interesting, for some reason I tend to avoid using people's driveways to ease a 3-point turn. It just feels like encroaching on their property. Perhaps this was more important when I drove a piece of crap that was always leaking something and not wanting to drip on anyone's driveway.

    If I'm at a friend's house, I'm more likely to use their driveway. I used to just a u-turn if the street was wide enough, but someone told me it was bad for my steering if I had to pull the wheel all the way to make the u-turn.

    Won't life be great when we have hover crafts?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 June, 2006 09:15  

  • lotus and shogun,
    i used your across the street neighbor's driveway to do a 3-point turn when leaving your house yesterday. that's what brought this up. bert felt it was rude, but i felt it was convenient. i didn't drive on their lawn for pete's sake, but yeah, i could've not done a 3-point turn doing that.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 18 June, 2006 17:41  

  • I don't think our across the street neighbors are gonna complain. They seem to always use the street in front of our house to park one of their cars, even though they still have room in their driveway.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 June, 2006 20:43  

  • Actually, Canine used a driveway near the house where we went to a birthday party yesterday. I just kind of got irked a bit when she did it. It annoys me when people do that. As you know my parents' house is just across the street from the middle school. People (for some reason) would turn around using my parents' driveway. I couldn't understand why they didn't just drive around the block. As for me, I'll do my best to use the street. If I could do a U-turn, the heck with my steering.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 18 June, 2006 22:06  

  • i'll usually do a 3pt turn out of someone's driveway, if i can. when i say that i mean, if one of the monkeys is saying, "i really really really gotta go, mama!!", then screw the driveway AND my steering, and anything in the way i can hit with my car and not be imprisoned for... that includes cute little bunnies... you're going to think this is horrible, but i have been known to drive onto a sidewalk, and drive on the sidewalk into the next driveway, because the space in between the driveways was short, and then onto the street... i have also pushed trash cans out of my way instead of going around them (usually my own.)

    we should start a confessions blog...

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 18 June, 2006 22:51  

  • I usually always drive to the end of the street and make a u turn in the intersection (choice C). It's wider there so I don't have to put so much tension on the tires.

    It's true that it is never good to turn your steering wheel all the way to it's end, and then if you turn you wheels in someones driveway it can leave tracks also.

    By Blogger Thor, at 19 June, 2006 22:00  

  • Oh baby, you're so considerate :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 June, 2006 19:07  

  • Yeah, a friend today also mentioned the tire marks in the driveway. They live across the street from a person who teaches piano, and many of the parents of the students use their driveway to turn around. The tire marks were visible.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 20 June, 2006 23:00  

  • skidmarks...

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 21 June, 2006 15:54  

  • i remember when first learning to drive hearing somewhere that it was illegal to back into a private driveway completely, but ok partway, like on the sidewalk. don't know if it's true or not and it probably varies from city or state, but if it's convenient i just use a driveway unless the owners happen to be standing out in front shooting daggers from their eyes.

    what boggles me is why they still haven't made cars with the extra device that lets you do 180's in place like the old adam west batmobile, or let you drive sideways a short distance into a parking spot in lieu of parallel parking.

    oh, i hate it when i pull up next to a car to parallel park on a busy street (with signal active) and the car behind you pulls in too close and you can't pull in causing a minor traffic jam.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 27 June, 2006 23:14  

  • What would be cool to have for parallel parking are an extra set of wheels that face the curb which lift the car up and roll you into the parking space. Just like the cartoons. Awesome.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 05 July, 2006 13:18  

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