Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tennis Sucks Part 2

Guess what? I freakin' broke another set of strings today. This is on the "backup" of my backup racquet. Like I said. TENNIS SUCKS (at least for me since I can't seem to hit the ball right without busting my strings).

I thought tennis would be a good way for me to get some exercise, but after a health checkup, apparently I need a more INTENSITY in my exercise. My arteries are losing their elasticity, so I'm supposed to do high-intensity workouts for 5-12 min. Sprinting (not just running) was suggested. Anything to get a high cardio workout. Tennis has too many pauses between points to be a continuous intense workout. So now, in addition to my weekly tennis workouts, I try to do a daily 10 min on the stationary bike at home as fast as I can go. Really gets my heart pumping. Hopefully this will help keep my arteries from hardening so I can live a bit longer.

OK, "getting old" sucks more than tennis.


  • ah dood! if this is happening to you then i must be in deep doo doo. time to get my byootox in gear.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 08 June, 2006 22:23  

  • We ain't getting younger, bro. I'd like to make it to TC's HS grad. Is that too much to ask?

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 09 June, 2006 12:44  

  • Ah, BW getting old sucks! As a seasoned tennis buff(oooh! #1 doubles in HS two years in a row) I'm wondering why your strings are a bustin'... Hmm...maybe you should try a good cat gut on your raquette of choice... I always used Head or Prince (old quality stand bys) What is your back up? And your first up?

    By Blogger Ms. Mamma, at 10 June, 2006 21:50  

  • Interesting... I too played #1 doubles in HS. I also have been going old school with a Prince (Spectrum 90) until a few months ago. I've been putting Prince strings on it but since I started playing more regularly about a year ago, I had to restring it about every two months. I thought it was about time to get a new racquet so I picked up a Head iX3 at Big5. It's an oversize racquet with a frame built with "intelligent" fibers which Head claims will help in stabilizing your shots. Not.

    I'm putting Gamma 15 gauge strings on it now which are supposed to be the best rated strings for durability. Also, via a suggestion from the Sport Chalet stringer-guy, I'm going to add these itty-bitty spacers between the string contacts to minimize the friction, which he says should extend the string life. My tennis partner still gives me 6 outings before they bust. Nice encouragement.

    Maybe I'll try the cat gut on my Spectrum when I get it restrung. A few grommets are cracked so the stringer-guy recommended getting them replaced before stringing it. Thanks for the recommendation.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 10 June, 2006 23:25  

  • Ooooohhh... arteries hardening AND losing elasticity...

    I just luv capoeira...

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 13 June, 2006 18:41  

  • first class is free!!!
    first class is FREEEEE!!!

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 15 June, 2006 17:52  

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