Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oh What A Feeling...

I have now been initiated into the world of bidets. This is the bidet my sister has installed in her house.

Here's it off:

Here's it on:
Here's me squatting over it (with pants on):

Sorry, I ran out of space on my camera phone to take actual "action" shots.

I must say, the first time was quite an experience.

When facing the wall, the hot water faucet is on the left (the second picture shows the hot water on and the watter bubbling up).

So I ask my sister and brother-in-law, "So... how does this work?". They say something to the effect of "Just turn on the water and let it wash down there". Simple enough. No problem. I've been to college. I can't turn down this opportunity (-ahem- Ronin). Unfortunately, I wasn't ready to have a BM to fully test the cleansing power, so I just tried it.

I figured I'd face the wall so I can control the faucets. I drop trou and then realize I have to "remove" them to straddle this thing. OK, fine. Now I'm hovering over it (not allowing my thighs to touch the bowl). Here comes the moment of truth. I turn on the hot water faucet so that the water can warm up and... the FREAKIN' water is already HOT! I give out a "aieee!" because the "boys" down there are sensitive. I switch off the hot and turn on the cold. Another "aieee!" because the cold water bubbled up higher than the hot water. After a bit, I work out a good water temp and we're off to the races. Those leftover dingleberries didn't stand a chance. I was cleaned off in no time. I grabbed some TP, dried off and went downstairs walking like John Wayne.

My bro-in-law then asks me if I used the soap to get things extra squeaky clean. I told him the rinse was good enough for me. I mentioned to my sister that my quads were a bit tired, and she said I should actually sit on the bowl, not hover over it. She also said it's better to run the water first, test the temperature, then sit down facing forward (not to the wall). She tells me this "after" my experience.

Yesterday I told my co-worker about me using the bidet for the first time and he said they used it all the time in Yemen when he was growing up. He said he remembers coming to the US and thinking "They just wipe here? How gross."

Overall, I found it wasn't so bad. However, the next time I go to my sister's I hope I remember to have a carne asada burrito first so I can really use this thing.


  • AW, I would've paid good oney just to be down the hall to here the squeels (of pleasure and pain).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 April, 2006 07:50  

  • burt!! I'm impressed. And I suddenly feel freed from responsibility for my promo announced in the comment section here... Since you have relatively consistent access to a real bidet unlike the integrated one I once used, I leave the future video footage documentary in your capable hands.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 27 April, 2006 19:07  

  • Lotus: Actually, it was pain then pleasure. Yeah, lots of pleasure...

    "Protein Substitute" (Did you figure that one out? Of course you id, knowing my arid humour.): The PBS Documentary is in the works. Thanks for the link to the "bidet" conversation. I found the varying opinions interesting. BTW, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 28 April, 2006 13:28  

  • i still can't bring myself to use one of those...

    i wonder if one's a-hole was thick, crusty and dirty enough, would the fecal remains clog the bidet?

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 28 April, 2006 17:38  

  • Possibly, especially after having a big bowl of mole.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 28 April, 2006 23:07  

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