Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

So I'm with The Child and see this engineering news magazine I get from UCSD lying on the bed. On a lark, I tell her I wonder if anyone I know is in the back section where they usually list past grads. I then see this entry (I used "John Doe" to protect his real name):

1991 John Doe
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering
John Doe is a research scientist at VoiceSignal Technologies, a Boston-area company developing speech recognition and speech-to-text solutions for mobile devices.

I sort of remember this guy when I was in school. I'm glad he's found a career on the east coast. Maybe I'll see him again the next time he visits the west coast. Then I looked at the year again and found it amazing that it was 15 years ago. Yikes, time flies.


  • hey what a coincidence...

    what date was on this newsletter you stumbled on? If it was last year I have some suspicions on why it got in there. I don't remember submitting anything otherwise.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 22 April, 2006 11:54  

  • it was the spring 06 issue of PULSE - UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering News.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 22 April, 2006 17:47  

  • hey there...

    wanna come over for a scrapbooking party?

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 25 April, 2006 16:04  

  • Aaaahhh! Run away! Run away!

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 25 April, 2006 17:27  

  • ah ok. that explains it. i went to a UCSD alum talk last fall out here in Peabody (locally pronounced Peeb-dee). had a chat with the dean of engineering, met Irwin Jacobs, etc. the coordinator must have updated/forwarded my info to the alum listing.

    but hey, i got a cool ucsd polo shirt out of it.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 26 April, 2006 16:38  

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