Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tennis elbow

OK, back to tennis. After many years of off-and-on tennis play, I've finally developed "TENNIS ELBOW". I'm sure my new Head racquet played a part in it. Darn thing is too stiff for my own good. It's an oversize, wide-body that isn't as forgiving as my old Prince Spectrum 90. The Head racquet provides lots of power if you hit correctly (which apparently I don't). My chiropractor says I need to keep it iced since it's an inflamation. Anyhow, it sucks not having 100% strength in my right arm. I may need to go back to my old racquet when the elbow gets better.


  • That does suck, Bert.

    Matter of fact, I injured myself Wednesday night during capoeira class. I rolled my ankle or landed on it wrong or something...

    Whatever I did, it hurt like hell and I was down in a flash. A video tape was rolling, too, so I'm probably going to ask if I can view it so I can see what the heck I was doing right before I tweeked my ankle. I can "walk" okay, but it's still not 100%. Bad timing, too. Starting tonight is an annual event (called the "batizado"). Other capoiera schools are involved. There are workshops, promotions, etc. Main event will be at the UC gym tomorrow. I really wanted to participate, but I don't want to chance hurting my ankle further. So I'm going to be a spectator and will probably be helping with registration or just being a gopher.

    Ah well... There's always next year...

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 21 July, 2006 14:12  

  • Sorry to hear about your ankle. I guess we should expect these things to happen more often now that we're getting on in years. I've taken to icing my elbow down after playing. I'm also trying to teach myself a two-handed backhand to help minimize the strain on my right elbow. These changes appear to be helping as my elbow doesn't hurt as much as before.

    We missed you and HotFudge yesterday at dinner, but we understood you had a capoiera function to attend. Hopefully you still had a good time even if you were relegated to the sidelines. Was it a good turnout?

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 22 July, 2006 21:26  

  • Actually, it was a good turn-out and a good experience. Friday night, it was my intent just to watch, but I ended up "guarding" a mestre's personal items and videotaping some of the students as they did their thing.

    I did not participate with the physical stuff Friday night because of my ankle. But when Saturday came, I pushed it. Now, some people may disagree with my participating with a gimpy ankle, but I just couldn't help it. [It is Monday (early evening) as of this writing and my ankle is still not 100%.] In a nutshell, I helped with general set-up issues and participated in the workshops and the batizado [baptism].

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 24 July, 2006 17:53  

  • Tennis was one of my favorite pastime sports and physical activities. At one time most of my entire family was into playing Tennis and watching it on TV. One of my cousins use to play in the Jr. Tournaments at Morley Field.

    My favorite tennis players back then were Bjorn Borg and Martina Navratilova.

    A couple of years ago one of my friends invited me over to hit some balls with her; she has a Tennis court at her Condo. Not having any physical activity for years I don't know what I was thinking. I hit so many Moon Balls.

    The next day I was so sore I could barely move; I really regretted it.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 24 July, 2006 20:14  

  • HotFudge, sounds like you're in the mood to get back into tennis. With my gimpy elbow, I think we're probably right on par with each other. So whenever you're ready, give me a call and we'll go hit around. I'm sure we can probably even pull in a couple of other people to do doubles. I remember (long, long time ago) Canine tried playing tennis with me. Her arm and back were really sore after this first (and last) time playing.

    Lendl, Edberg, Wilander, Becker, Agassi, McEnroe, Graf, Navratilova were my inspiration back when I started getting into it. I always tried (but failed) to hit a running forehand like Lendl.

    Did you know Ronin was quite the tennis player way back when? We used to play in junior high at the school's court. Back when "woodies" (racquets, mind you) were what was available. That guy of yours is quite the athlete. Of course, back in elementary he could never catch me when we played tag in the playground. Right, Ronin?

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 24 July, 2006 21:42  

  • Hmmm, get back into tennis again, you got me to thinking.

    My first step would be to work parts of my body that I haven't in years like do some circuit training at a gym and get my heart pumping again.

    After I get all that settled, then I'll give you a call.

    I like Ivan Lendl, Edberg, Wilander, Becker and Agassi too.

    McEnroe was a great tennis player along with Connors, but I didn't like his temper tantrums on the court. I remember that year when Princess Di came to see him perform and he was so rude on the court that she ended up leaving the game.

    Since Venus and Serena started playing I have been getting back into watching Tennis again on TV.

    Scregman quite the tennis player; boy would I have loved to see that.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 25 July, 2006 12:41  

  • and so you shall, dear hot fudge!

    the next time we are all together, i will throw a bucket full of tennis balls (unless, you'd rather them be baseballs - i have about 40 since d2 took up little league) at ronin! anything to hear your laugh!

    (can't wait for your response, screg, or perhaps even your retaliation...)

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 26 July, 2006 00:25  

  • Oooh, sounds good Mulysa. I've got a bunch of older tennis balls myself to add to your collection. Of course, Scregman would just do his various capoiera techniques to dodge them.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 26 July, 2006 08:11  

  • Hmmmmmmm...

    BRING it on...

    Bring IT on...

    Bring it ON...


    BRING IT ON!!!

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 26 July, 2006 12:33  

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