Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Tennis sucks

OK, I've been on hiatus for a while attending to personal business. However, I felt compelled to jot down a frustration of mine. I play recreational tennis (or at least, "think" I play tennis) and for some reason I can't find the right strings for my racquets. I was breaking the strings on my old racquet pretty often so I decided to buy a new one with a bigger "sweet spot". I hoped this would lead to my strings lasting longer. Unfortunately, the strings on my new racquet only lasted about 8 outings. Now I gotta freakin' dish out more money to get it restrung. I gotta stop "hacking" and hit better. I'm going to see if I can slow down my stroke and work on getting to the ball (i.e. better footwork). Or maybe just take up a different sport. Maybe cycling.


  • Either way, tennis, cycling, curling, at least your getting some exercise. Except for maybe curling. But it looks fun to do!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 07 June, 2006 21:50  

  • Exercise, smexercise. I'm just getting pissed that I gotta dish out more money for restringing.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 07 June, 2006 23:28  

  • Cycling is NOT the way to go if you want to keep from spending the cash. I could get a used car now, for what I've spent on cycling.

    But I am in fairly good health for a fat man.

    By Blogger Thor, at 11 June, 2006 23:05  

  • I luv capoeira...

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 13 June, 2006 18:39  

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