Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Today The Child went back to school. I get to have my 1 mile walk in the morning taking TC to school. However, now I've got to deal with waking up early again and getting TC ready for school. Oh well, such is the life of a father.

TC was happy to see the other kids again. So much so that I didn't get my goodbye kiss before class started. I better get one tomorrow.


  • Hey, since you're walking a mile every morning, I think you can now eat as much chocolate as you want.

    As far as getting your goodbye kiss, you could always tell her before you leave the house that if she forgets again, your going to start crying right in the middle of the school yard. Then do it!

    Oh yeah, and call me first so I can get it all on tape. It'll make a great clip for her wedding video montage.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 April, 2006 22:07  

  • wedding! yikes!

    hey that's a (hopefully) long-ass time from now...

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 19 April, 2006 21:06  

  • Greetings Wolfe...

    Just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to the wonderfully (in)significant world of blogging... where nothing is too trivial to be posted...

    Question: Is there a significance and/or underlying meaning to "Peel back foil to expose tater tots...?"

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 21 April, 2006 22:45  

  • Lotus, I got my kiss the next day which is why I haven't called you. However, I'll file your advice for a later date. I kinda like it.

    Canine, I'm with you on that.

    Scregman, I appreciate the greetings. As for my blog title, I suspect you haven't enjoyed a TV dinner with this printed on the box. Canine and I use it to describe a person who doesn't know how to use fresh foods to make a good meal. Thus, they would need to rely on these boxed meals if they can't find a special person to save them from that fate. I consider myself "saved".

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 22 April, 2006 01:42  

  • Ronin, so glad you aksed about the Blog Title. I just assumed it was an inside joke from the time Bert wore a kilt.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 April, 2006 11:52  

  • The new method is...

    Poke holes in plastic.

    Trust me on this.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 22 April, 2006 12:24  

  • of course, it's an inside are most of our interactions with each other!

    the origin...

    remember the comic strip, 'bloom county'? (opus? bill the cat?)...there was a strip that had this doofus husband yelling at his wife to make him dinner, being a dick, etc...he finds a box on the table...she's gone...there's a note on the box that says 'peel back foil to expose tater tots'.

    it's FUNNY!!!! i'll dig it up...

    you think we're wierd now.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 22 April, 2006 17:50  

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