Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

oh my aching leg

Ever find "drugstore beetles" in your pantry? Well, last Monday (Oct 26) I did. These are little things (2mm - 3mm) that can fly and love dried goods (flour, beans, etc). We had stored some chick peas in the upper pantry from earlier this year and apparently these little things enjoyed it. Yuk!

Anyway, after the source of the beetles was found, I cleaned out the upper pantry. It took a while to vacuum bugs, shake and take out items, repeat. After the pantry was cleaned out to my liking, I sat down to relax. Then it hit me. My whole left leg started to go sort of numb and my hips hurt when I tried to get out of the chair. Damn! What happened? I couldn't sleep comfortably that night and was miserable the next morning taking TC to school. My only mild comfort was laying down on my right side. It seemed that my left leg had no blood circulation anymore.

I went to my chiropractor and told him about my leg. His diagnosis was that I hyperextended my lower back when I was reaching up to clean the pantry. He said that the muscle that stabilizes the left leg was overworked and is causing my discomfort. He said this type of injury is common for many rock climbers who are constantly reaching up while trying to keep the lower body stable. He said to ice down my lower back and the problem should go away after time.

He was right. I was limping for 7 days, but now my walking gait is more normal. Still not 100% but I think I'll be back on the tennis court next week. Whew! I'm glad it wasn't anything more serious now that I'm 40.


  • Sciatica...that's what I call it! Feel better soon.

    By Blogger Andrea, at 31 March, 2010 07:38  

  • The old "dead bug" position works wonders for this... You lie flat, no pillow, on your back...arms relaxed at your side. Then you support directly under your knees so that you form two right angles, in other words, you thighs are right angle to your body and then you are right angle again at the knees.
    If you had a deep couch the right height you would scoot your rear end right up to the couch and rest your lower legs on the seat. Sometimes a chair works. This takes pressure off the sacral area and opens up the foramen where the nerves that run down the legs pass through. It allows the back to rest and align and is first aid for back and sciatic pain. Having cleaned my pantry today while standing on a small stool that I wished was a little taller, your post caught my eye. best to you.

    By Blogger Jeannette, at 29 April, 2010 19:44  

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