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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back in the Saddle

And back to square one. Today I started biking again. Took it REAL easy doing one of my very first routes (Paseo Ranchero/J St/Paseo Del Rey/H St/Paseo Ranchero). Excluding the downhills, I don't think I broke 12 mph just pedaling. I'm hoping that the 3.5 miles at an easy pace won't cause my back to hurt again. I also lowered the seat on my bike so that it's more level with the handlebars. Hopefully this will help my back as well. Anyhow, I think I'll just keep with the short distances for a while until I feel stronger.


  • Sucks about your back. I am definately not a fit expert, so I don't know what to say about your set up. I know a more upright position is supposed to be easier on your back. You may be able to even tilt your handle bars back a bit to give you a more upright position (I did that on Thunder).

    Good Luck!!

    By Blogger Thor, at 01 August, 2009 00:55  

  • Thanks for the advice Thor. Right now my back feels just as good as it did before my last ride (i.e. the ride didn't make anything worse). I'm going to leave the handle bars the way they are for now to see if lowering the seat made the difference. If after a few rides my back feels strained, I'll try adjusting the handle bars.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 01 August, 2009 17:18  

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