Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, June 29, 2009

getting better

Well, after 3 weeks of not biking, my back *finally* feels better. Still not 100%, but it feels so much better than two weeks ago. At least the sharp pains don't occur anymore when I twist my torso. Rest and ice does seem to work.

Last week was the vacation trip to SF. We (or rather "I") drove most of the way. We left early Saturday morning and arrived at Thane's place around 1pm. I was worried about how my back would hold up, but it did fine. Throughout the week, I think that the times TC and I spent swimming in the hotel pools helped.

I'm still don't think I'm ready to ride again just yet. I want to try raising my handlebar a bit if I can, and perhaps just do shorter distances. For the meantime, I'll try to get my exercise elsewhere. TC, her cousins and I are heading to Coronado beach tomorrow to do some boogie-boarding.


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