Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, June 08, 2009

Not so bad on the 125

Thor was nice enough to let me ride with him this morning. (Thanks Thor). He rode to my house and up my favorite hill (Paseo Ranchero). He said it was about a 12 degree hill and was a pretty good ride for him.

The wind wasn't too bad so he took me on the 125. There's that nice downhill going south where he cranked up his speed to close to 40 mph. Me... I probably hit about 35. I couldn't keep up with his pace so he slowed down so I could catch up. We then "cruised" to the 905 and took a break. I now understand what he meant about taking the sidewalk over to the northbound 125 onramp. Going north was a bit more challenging since we had a headwind and there was that long hill to get up. No biggie for Thor, but for me... whew! I was gassed.

After getting back to Birch we did a loop (Eastlake Pky - Olympic Pky - Hunte - back to Eastlake Pky). Then we rode Olympic Pky west. Thor kept going while I took Heritage to Paseo Ranchero. Unfortunately for me, Otay Ranch Middle was getting out so there was a lot of traffic on Paseo Ranchero. I decided not to ride up and just walked my bike up this time. All in all, about a 20 mile ride for me today.

I've been starting to get a bit of back aches lately, so I'm going to try to to some extra stretching and some back strengthening exercises.


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