Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gotta get out there more often

Well, this past Monday I finally got back on the bike and did my 5 mile loop. I have no excuse for not biking more. I suppose I can try and blame it on my age (passing 40 last month), but that's a cop-out. Funny thing is that after becoming over-the-hill, I've noticed problems in my knees. Sometimes when I'm walking, I can hear a clicking in my right knee. I think a tendon could be snapping around a bone because my meniscus is worn out. In my left knee, I think I may have tore my patella tendon a bit after my last volleyball game on grass. sigh... pretty sucky having bad knees. Well, now I guess I have to ride the bike more since it's low-impact on the knees. It's goning to be hard for me to give up (limit) my tennis and volleyball.


  • went on a 30-40 mile bike ride in Napa two saturdays ago w a friend. granted, lots of stops at wineries and such, but quite a strain on my flabby self, days to recover. yet, i was inspired when i was done... we should plan some rides, put our over the hill physiques to the test.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 19 October, 2009 18:47  

  • Dude, sounds like you'd dust me easily. But it does sound like fun if we could manage it.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 31 October, 2009 19:09  

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