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Monday, October 23, 2006

Would you rather...

An interesting "Would you rather..." that I heard on the radio.

Would you rather listen to Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" or Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On"?

I have to go with Whitney for sentimental reasons. I always think of the wedding of a friend where the groomsmen "belted out" this song around the bride. That was funny.

The radio show that offered this question leaned more toward Celine Dion because the song didn't seem so overblown. Celine Dion never really clicked with me. I could never really see or hear her appeal.

Too bad Whitney turned into a crackhead. I was really surprised when I heard that she and Bobby Brown have been married for 14 years.


  • oh the memoires..

    and aaaahhhhh eeee aaaaahhhh eee aahhhh will alllllways...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24 October, 2006 09:39  

  • When she won awards too bad Whitney never really gave too much credit to Dolly Parton who originally made the song, “I Will Always Love You.”

    Both Whitney and Celine are very talented with great voices. We’ll, let’s just say in Whitney’s case before the ‘Crack became Whack.’

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 24 October, 2006 10:18  

  • Hey, you two never answered the question. Come on now, you gotta chose one. (You can't choose Dolly's rendition. I can't say that I recall hearing it.)

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 24 October, 2006 13:40  

  • who the hell sung that song at whose wedding? i don't remember that travesty.

    to answer your question, i would rather get my teeth drilled and listen to kidz bop....

    just kidding.

    both singers can sing - but i don't prefer to listen to vocal histrionics.

    dolly rendition bites balls by the way. whitney's is actually better. overblown but better. that song by celine dion is also overblown. it's as bad as listening to kenny g. or some other smooth jazz sh-t of that nature.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 24 October, 2006 16:18  

  • Okay Bete, I choose Whitney. Yeah, she's a crack head with doo doo problems (crack'll do that) but she's got the pipes. I'd rather see a diva who's kept it real with her wigged out husband than a diva who takes herself too seriously. Celine acts like her fans would lie down in the snow so she could walk across their backs to keep her shoes dry. I'm sure some would but she sems to act like their queen bee, like they'll die without her.

    Besides, the Whitney song is more hopeful and I'm an optimist...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24 October, 2006 20:23  

  • At first I was going to say, Celine, but then I remembered how Whitney really did belt it out. So I go for Celine, NOT...
    No wait, I go NOT... for Celine

    By Blogger Thor, at 24 October, 2006 20:56  

  • Okay Bert,
    I must say that they played both songs on the radio to the extent of overkill! I like both movies from the songs. I heard that Celine charges an arm and leg for her concert tickets in Vegas. She only sings a few songs and Cirque du Soliel does most of the work. I'm gonna go with Whitney; she really belt the song out.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 25 October, 2006 09:40  

  • @Lotus,

    The taking yourself too seriously thing is why I ultimately have to hate Oprah, although to her credit, she gave Tom Cruise enough rope to hang himself with the jumping up and down "iloveheriloveheriloverher." And her show is head and shoulders above the other daytime talk shows out there.

    But I have to go with Celine. I've seen Whitney belt out tunes horribly off key at times, even at the height of her powers. I don't think I've ever seen Celine go too far offkey like Whitney, but then again I don't think she takes the kind of acrobatic vocal risks that Whitney does.

    Plus, wifey wanted to see Celine in Vegas and I have to say, that if you ever have to watch Celine, this is the venue to do it. The theatre has good sightlines from all seats. It's large enough to feel like an event, but small enough to not feel like you're just a speck. The show lasts for about 90 minutes and she is on stage for the majority of the time. And if you totally zone out cuz of the music, there's always the cirque type effects to distract you from the pain (although that's kind of like saying, if you ever had to have a gun against your head, at least have your favorite movie on the television to distract you.)

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 25 October, 2006 12:22  

  • I like Celine when she first came on the scene. Things changed when I saw those creepy pictures of her wedding. Ick.

    She wore a 7 pound tiara. Ick. Had a 20 foot train. Ick. She and her busband were carried into their reception like Arabian royalty by people dressed as slaves. Ick.

    What ever happened to grace and modesty?

    Then again, Whitney and Bobby can't go shopping for sunglasses without dancing around and making out...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25 October, 2006 21:50  

  • Canine, it was the wedding of our friends who now live in Nevada. Also, you sidestepped the question and didn't provide an answer. You GOTTA pick one or the other. (The other one will be your xmas present)

    Kilatzin, I can't say that I've ever heard Whitney sing off key, but then again I haven't heard much of her live stuff only the cleaned up studio recordings.

    So far it's close: 3 for Whitney and 2 for Celine

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 25 October, 2006 22:18  

  • @Lotus

    Yes, Celine is very tacky. And Whitney is very trashy. I guess that's where the decision needs to be made . . . which is worse?

    Watch some of Whitney concert footage. Also a telling sign, Whitney when singing that "I will always love you" song now stops for a good long while to catch her breath and makes a HUGE routine around it, acting like she's being a showman, but I know that it's because she really needs it.

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 26 October, 2006 05:31  

  • i will have to go for whitney houston...the trashy black chick wins over the rich, undernourished canadienne!

    please don't waste your hard earned $$$ on celine dion. i'll just stick it in the toilet and release my feces on it.

    she and her pedophilic rapist of a husband are creepy.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 26 October, 2006 18:55  

  • Kilatzin,
    I've never heard Whitney sing off key but I must say: I CAN'T STAND IT when she incorporates her husband and daughter names Bobby & Bobbie Christina in her songs when performing in concert.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 26 October, 2006 20:58  

  • bert: regarding who i'd rather listen to... it's have to be whitney. i grew up with some of her music (i loved singing with her in "i wanna dance with somebody" because i had this big crush on a boy in my class when it was popular) and i think that she sounds really good when she sings. or at least i thought so. i haven't listened to her music in a while.

    celine bugs the shit out of me. period. i can't listen to the quality (of which i hear is actually good) of her music/voice because her personality just irks me. and the blatant display of fortune and fame and ewww. she had this odd interview with some morning show guy when hurricane katrina hit, i vaguely recall. it was offensive the way she went on about "the poor" needing to be recognized as "people too" or some shit. weirdos. the lot of them, i say!! maybe what they both need is some good therapy, you know, like starting a blog or something...

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 27 October, 2006 05:12  

  • I wouldn't be interested in either of their blogs, but yes, I agree that starting a blog is theraputic. (Keeping in mind the possible carpal-tunnel or downed computer problems.)

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 27 October, 2006 07:09  

  • bert,

    this question is kinda like asking what would you rather eat: brown fecal matter with corn or green runny fecal matter?

    thanks for the list of choices!!!

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 27 October, 2006 10:25  

  • just to be clear... I'd go for whitney. never listened to celine and don't know any songs other than the titanic one which i'd have to think about to remember as well. damm that movie for putting her on the map.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 27 October, 2006 12:24  

  • c'mon thane, you haven't celine's wretched rendition (ooh, i like that onomotopoeic flair and I'm sure i spelled that 'o' word wrong!) of "When I fall in love"...the song they played in "Sleepless in Seattle". i believe it was a cover...AAARGH!!!

    Also, watching the Daily Show several weeks ago, they did this bit where they were making fun of Oprah and her friend, Gail (? sorry, don't watch or subscribe to the Cult of Orcah) do a cross country trip. They were saying that Oprah was a wet blanket for not wanting to have any of the bits they highlighted was the "Would you rather" game.

    Her friend asked her, "Would you rather have the ability to
    urinate from your nose or have the ability to smell from your genitalia?" That was CLASSIC!!!!

    They were in a car when she said that. O just gave her a disgusted look and didn't even answer it. I'm sure she thinks her own shit doesn't smell.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 28 October, 2006 11:50  

  • Screg votes for Whitney. When she first came out, she was da bomb.

    Hate to admit this, but when "I Will Always Love You" came out, I got the CD and played it over and over and over and over and...

    Celine's "My Heart Will Go On" did not grab me like Whitney's.

    Truth be told, I probably COULD listen to Whitney again, given I haven't heard it in awhile...

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 31 October, 2006 14:57  

  • canine

    i actually thought about those choices presented to Oprah and i would have to go with the peeing through your nose.


    1. I can always pass off my peeing nose as a particularly bad cold.
    2. smelling through my genetalia trapped in black jeans and underwear on a hot summer day would be the end of me.

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 02 November, 2006 22:04  

  • i too would choose to pee through my nose. at least we don't pee constantly. the sense of smell is pretty constant. imagine having to point your genitalia towards your food to "smell it", such as when eating, or shopping...checking if the baby needs changing, etc...smelling flowers...and the list goes on. how akward.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 03 November, 2006 15:49  

  • Here, here... Well said...

    The lesser of the two evils would be pissing thru the nose...

    But I wonder, Superman. Was this a really quick choice? Or did you actually ponder it for several minutes, hours, days, etc before reaching your conclusion?

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 03 November, 2006 22:32  

  • I actually pondered it out loud with a co-worker. There are a chosen few in my company who wouldn't flinch at such a question . . . or at the very least hit me with some sort of a harassment suit.

    well, here's a bigger question:

    would you rather smell or chew/swallow food through your genetalia?

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 05 November, 2006 13:25  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 05 November, 2006 19:44  

  • i would rather smell food, if given a choice.

    but let's hope this never comes to fruition.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 06 November, 2006 06:14  

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