Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Playground song

OK, I told Canine that I had to blog this.

TC sang and showed me a new "song-game" she learned at school. You and another person sing the song and slap hands in an up and down sequence.

Shame, shame, shame
I don't want to go to Hollywood any more-more-more

Because there's a big Michael Jackson at the door-door-door
He'll grab me by the hips
And kiss me on the lips
I don't want to go to Hollywood any more-more-more


You then stare at each other to see who blinks first.

Ain't that a sweet song? Oh what the kids are learning at school these days.

Back in my day, we just sang about our weight-challenged peers.


  • Any worse than singing about 24 robbers making a home invasion?

    Or singing about the plaugue (Ring around the roses)

    Or my personal fave: Milk milk lemonade...

    Pretty funny though!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 October, 2006 22:43  

  • ....sista's standin' on the corner sellin' fruit (cover breasts here), cock (cover genitals here), tail (cover ass here)! rockin' robin, tweet-tweet-tweet

    this is part of the chorus we used to sing when we did this really elaborate hand slapping game with four girls.

    then again, i grew up on military bases...

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 27 October, 2006 05:16  

  • Nice ones. At the next party we should have a round of kids songs we remember.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 27 October, 2006 06:59  

  • It must really suck to be Michael Jackson these days. I mean you spend your whole life lavishing attention and money on all these young boys, then next thing you know, one of these ungrateful scamps rats you out to the authorities and now the very kids you want to fawn over have a cool song extolling the dangers of hanging out with you.

    By Blogger Kilatzin, at 27 October, 2006 10:23  

  • i couldn't believe tc was singing this...she also taught the hand/slap game to bert.

    i was never into those so i never knew/bothered to remember lyrics to those oh-so-fun chants...


    By Blogger caninecologne, at 28 October, 2006 11:45  

  • Okay, does anyone remember this one?

    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man…..toot…..toot
    I live in a Garbage Can…..toot…..toot
    I turned on the Heater
    And burned off my Weiner
    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man…..toot…..toot

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 28 October, 2006 12:59  

  • haha! hot fudge! ours went like this:

    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man..toot…..toot
    I live in a Garbage Can…..toot…..toot
    I eat all the worms and i spit out the germs
    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man…..toot…..toot

    By Blogger Mulysa, at 28 October, 2006 16:44  

  • those popeye ones were pretty funny..."burned off my weiner"...with a capital W too!

    how about this?

    There's a place called France
    Where the naked people dance

    And the men over there...
    they wear no underwear!

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 28 October, 2006 21:27  

  • There's another one about Batman, but too graphic to post; plus I don't remember all the words.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 29 October, 2006 21:52  

  • Oh, here's another Popeye one that I remember.

    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man…..toot…..toot
    I live in a Garbage Can…..toot…..toot
    I turned on the Gas
    And burned off my Ass
    I’m Popeye the Sailor Man…..toot…..toot

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 29 October, 2006 22:17  

  • HF, i hope you remember the batman one becuase now I'm curious!

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 30 October, 2006 20:30  

  • [Sung to the tune of Glory, Glory hallelujah...]

    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school,
    We have tortured all the teachers,
    We have broken all the rules,
    We have killed the secretary and have hung the principal.

    Our troops are marching on...

    Glory, glory, hallelujah.
    Teacher hit me with a ruler.
    I met her at the door with my loaded 44
    And the teacher don't teach no more.

    Glory, glory, hallelujah.
    Teacher hit me with a ruler.
    I met her at the door with a rotten tangerine
    And boy did she turn green.

    Glory, glory, hallelujah.
    Teacher hit me with a ruler.
    I hit her in the butt with a rotten coconut
    And she went crawling out.

    By Blogger ScregMan, at 31 October, 2006 15:12  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 31 October, 2006 17:15  

  • i had to delete the above post because i made a spelling error...

    "I love you
    You love me


    They all say
    We're just friend
    But we're really

    a fun ditty i learned from eli lacangan

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 31 October, 2006 17:16  

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