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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

65 bucks for gas???

Yikes! I just paid $65 for a tank of gas for my '98 Camry. My goodness, I remember when $10 was more than enough to pay for a fill up of my '87 Toyota pickup. Just one more reason to start biking to work. Alas, I can't seem to work that into my schedule since I have to do stuff immediately after I get off from work. "Stuff" that requires driving a car. So... looks like I've still got a week to go to start my bi-pedaling routine.


  • Yikes, $65 Bucks! And your '98 Camry is not even a SUV.

    By Blogger HotFudge, at 28 April, 2011 17:29  

  • I feel the pain. I work from home half the week and I'm still forking out a lot on gas. Be glad for the option to bike to work though, I'd love to get back to a situation where I could do that.

    By Blogger mikshir, at 30 April, 2011 13:09  

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