Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Only a quarter into 2011 for my first post.

Hey! It's 2011 and this is my first post! As I mentioned in my last post, I plan on riding my bike to work now that Spring Daylight Savings has passed. Unfortunately, we've had a case of rain lately so it hasn't been the best weather for biking. Hopefully this next week will have nicer weather.

I'm still within my "Year Probation" period working at SWC. I've had good 3 month and 6 month evaluations. My 10 month eval is next and I hope that goes well. So far, so good. I do feel very fortunate to have a job and even more fortunate to have one so close to home. Today we drove to a friend's house in San Marcos. 45 miles! We took 5 north getting there, then 15 south getting back home. Yikes! I tend to forget how a long drive can be exhausting until I have to do it. I can't see myself driving far anymore on a daily basis. Of course, if I have to because of a job, then so be it. However, I think I'm going to ride this thing at SWC as long as I can.

As for my blog here, I think I may just use it more often in 2011 to just rant. No theme posts or multi-posts as my wife enjoys doing. Just blah blah this, blah blah that. Maybe it'll help me clear up the things in my mind that I need to work on.


  • That's one thing I regret moving back to Cali, the long and constant need to drive. My commute is about an hour and only if I'm in non-rush-hour. I stay sane by not going to the office but for twice a week. But after every drive I'm taxed. I should say, enjoy your short commute.

    you need to post at minimum 20 pics per rant

    By Blogger mikshir, at 28 March, 2011 09:24  

  • Ugh. A one hour minimum commute? Yuk. Nope, can't see myself doing that anymore. At least you don't have to do the commute daily. That would really suck rocks.

    Oh, and 20 pics/rant? Not going to happen. However, I'll try to post a few pics here and there.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 06 April, 2011 22:02  

  • hey, i like my multiposts!

    nice photo

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 10 May, 2011 20:39  

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