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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Otay Reservoir and a flat tire

So last Thursday, I decided to ride to Otay Reservoir. Took Telegraph to Medical Ctr Dr to Olympic Pkwy. I took a nice easy pace. As I slowly made my way up the Chik-Fil-A hill, a group of four riders (all wearing the same uniform) casually passed me by and said "Good Morning". I caught up to them at the red light at Eastlake Pkwy, but once the light turned green, they left at a faster pace than what I could keep up with. No matter. At my own pace, I passed the OTC and took the next right to the reservoir. No bike lane there, but there wasn't any traffic anyway so it was still a relaxing ride. When I got to the Otay Reservoir office buildings (where you can't ride any further) I saw those four guys taking a breather. I turned around and started my way back still at my "easy" pace. On my way, I heard a bike coming up behind me so I figured those guys were also heading back. Apparently they were heading back one-by-one because only one bike zipped by on my left. Man they go FAST. A few seconds later, the next cyclist whizzed by. Needless to say, when I got back to Olympic Pkwy, those guys were nowhere in sight.

As I got closer to home, I was closing in on about 19 miles. I prepped myself for my ride up Paseo Ranchero. I set my bike so that I could put it into the easiest gear as I started the climb. Slow but steadily, I made it up the hill. However, at the top of the hill, I noticed my rear tire was deflating. With only half a mile to go (and not having anything to fix a flat) I rode the bike back home on the flat tire anyway. I'll have to check what kind of damage I did to the rim. Hopefully not much.

So now, I've either got to the the tire patched or invest in some new ones. We'll see.


  • You only need a new tire if there is a tear or cut in the tread. New tires cost 15-70 each. Your tires are probably pretty old, so you might want to replace them anyway. I really like the Bontrager hard case tires. They are a bitch to work with becuase they are not very flexable, but they last a long time and I rarely get flats with them. I think they are like 30 bucks each at Trek.

    The main club team around here is the dewalt team. Their jerseys are mostly yellow and black. They actually seem like nice guys.

    Riding on the rim was not a good thing. Rims can be crazy expensive. Better to hoof it or call for a pick up (don't forget Lotus is home quite often). Since you are going pretty far now, you should really try to carry a tube, some tires levers and a pump with you.

    If you ever want to come over and take a look at what I carry to give you some ideas, etc, let me know.

    By Blogger Thor, at 10 May, 2009 19:54  

  • Thanks for the info. Yeah, I think it was the dewalt team since they were wearing black with yellow.

    I knew riding on the rim wasn't good, but I was SOOO close to home (and kinda tired). Plus, I figured my rim couldn't cost THAT much if I totally screwed it. Relatively speaking, my whole bike probably costs a lot less than ONE of your tires. Dude, I haven't replaced a bike tube in decades! I guess I should practice if I am going to ride out farther now.

    I'm gonna try to take the other bike I have (the smaller frame) over to PULSE for a tune-up. I read that they are offering a free tune up this week since it's Bike-To-Work week. I cleaned up that bike a bit and it seems to run OK, but hey, why not get that free tune-up, huh?

    I'll give you a call Sunday to take a quick look at what you carry. Saturday is TC's big dance performance at the ECC. I'll have more time to relax once that's over.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 12 May, 2009 16:24  

  • Sunday is pretty good. Lotus works and we meet her for lunch usually, but the afternoon is usually really good for us.

    Maybe the patio might be done by then too.

    By Blogger Thor, at 14 May, 2009 21:17  

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