Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday, I *finally* rode up Paseo Ranchero without stopping. Surprised myself because I thought I'd be too tired at the end of my ride.

This time, my ride was the following: Paseo Ranchero south to Telegraph, Telegraph west to the shopping center (turn around), Telegraph east to Medical Center Dr, Medical Center drive south to Olympic Pky, Olympic Pky to E. Palomar (turn around), Olympic Pky to Heritage, Heritage north which brought me to my nemisis hill.

When I arrived at the hill, I just shifted to the lowest gear and kept pedaling. It was a slow climb, but at least I didn't stop. I was pretty proud of myself at the top.

Another fun thing about yesterday's ride was going west on Olympic Pky near Otay Ranch HS. I had a bit of a tail wind and tried cranking up my speed. If my bike computer is accurate, it said I topped out at 37.6 mph! Not sure if I want to try that again though. Bad things could happen.


  • Dang you are doing a few hills there if I am following your route correctly.

    37 down Olympic is impressive. I don't think I've ever done over 32 or so, and I'm MUCH heavier than you so I can bomb down hills.

    Congrats on getting up the Passo (yes, no???). You know what's a fairly steep hill near you (your next challenge should you choose to accept it) is that hill off of telegraph that is one light west of Medical Center that would take you all the way over to Hst. Passo might still be steeper, but that one goes for at least a half a mile.

    By Blogger Thor, at 17 March, 2009 22:39  

  • The hills that really worked me were Med Ctr and Paseo Ranchero. Doing Heritage from Olympic to Palomar wasn't too bad.

    I'm actually questioning my MPH. I think it's just the absolute peak reading. I think I was more realistically doing in the low 30's for a short period of time.

    I took Paseo Del Rey before. That was also the one I took with my friend on my mountain bike. Paseo Ranchero seems harder for me. I think I might now be ready for a ride on Otay Lakes Rd (Telegraph to Bonita). DOH!

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 18 March, 2009 09:51  

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