Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I did my 10 mi a day early this week because I *might* attend a kickboxing class tomorrow night. Today's ride was interesting. I still did my Olympic route, but this time there was a West-East wind. So instead of hitting about 20 mph going west, I was doing about 16 mph. However, the benefit was that I was doing about 16 mph going east (instead of about 12 mph). I think I like the wind. At least it keeps my pace consistent.


  • Did you go at a different time of day than usual. I think I find that there is not much wind in that area in the AM, but it does get windyier as the day goes on.

    I find that the wind direction is usually from West to East. It's only when there is a Santa Ana that the wind goes out towards the Ocean. When it does go towards the Ocean I LOVE going west on Olympic. It's usually always at the end of my ride (Obviously), but I can usually get upto around 30MPH for most of it with the wind at my back. It really gets you pumped up to end a ride like that.

    Your overall speed is good though. I only avg about 13-14 up Olympic and about 17-25 down it, but I'm all tricked and spandexed out (made Canine shiver I know), so your speeds for only being out a few times is good!!!

    By Blogger Thor, at 25 February, 2009 21:16  

  • Nice call. I did go at 11am yesterday instead of my usual 9am. I forgot to mention that in my post.

    I haven't felt like I've graduated yet to the tricked out spandex stuff. Maybe after a few hundred miles under my belt. Last week I did get dusted by one of you guys going west on Olympic. I "thought" (for a split second) about trying to keep up, but figured it wasn't worth it.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 26 February, 2009 08:28  

  • I'd just let it go. Becuase he might really try and then you would feel real bad.

    You could also injure yourself by going too hard and then that defeats the whole purpose.

    Usually when they pass me (and it happens a lot) I just look at their legs and say damn, I'm not worthy.

    By Blogger Thor, at 27 February, 2009 22:33  

  • hi thor! spandexed? i have to see that. plus bert too. ha ha. you guys crack me up.

    i'm commenting weeks later (3/8)by the way.

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 08 March, 2009 16:32  

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