Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Aaah, the effect of asparagus

Yep, had asparagus the past two days and could really tell after taking a "bio-break". That stuff adds a pretty potent smell to the released liquid. I'm not sure if it added anything to the gas build up, but it sure did remind me that I had it today.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tennis elbow

OK, back to tennis. After many years of off-and-on tennis play, I've finally developed "TENNIS ELBOW". I'm sure my new Head racquet played a part in it. Darn thing is too stiff for my own good. It's an oversize, wide-body that isn't as forgiving as my old Prince Spectrum 90. The Head racquet provides lots of power if you hit correctly (which apparently I don't). My chiropractor says I need to keep it iced since it's an inflamation. Anyhow, it sucks not having 100% strength in my right arm. I may need to go back to my old racquet when the elbow gets better.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Does my ass smell?

OK, so is it disgusting to wear the same pair of shorts every other day for one week (i.e. four times)? It's not like a shirt where there could be noticeable smell from the armpit areas. Unless you don't wear underwear or had explosive diarrhea or just generally have gnarly butt sweat, I contend that wearing shorts multiple times before washing isn't all that bad. Plus, it helps conserve water (yeah, that's a good reason). Also, if you're sniffing down in that area, you better have a good reason.