Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

3 point turn

OK, general question to anyone who's bored enough to read my blogs.

When initiating a 3-point turn (yes, the manuever everyone remembers from driver's training) in a car initially parked at a curb in a residential neighborhood, do you:

1. use only the street area to complete the 3-point turn
2. look for the nearest driveway, pull in, back out, and go the other way

If there were no cars parked on the curbs, the street would be wide enough to make a complete U-turn (without having to do a 3-point turn). The street is not a busy street with car traffic.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tennis Sucks Part 2

Guess what? I freakin' broke another set of strings today. This is on the "backup" of my backup racquet. Like I said. TENNIS SUCKS (at least for me since I can't seem to hit the ball right without busting my strings).

I thought tennis would be a good way for me to get some exercise, but after a health checkup, apparently I need a more INTENSITY in my exercise. My arteries are losing their elasticity, so I'm supposed to do high-intensity workouts for 5-12 min. Sprinting (not just running) was suggested. Anything to get a high cardio workout. Tennis has too many pauses between points to be a continuous intense workout. So now, in addition to my weekly tennis workouts, I try to do a daily 10 min on the stationary bike at home as fast as I can go. Really gets my heart pumping. Hopefully this will help keep my arteries from hardening so I can live a bit longer.

OK, "getting old" sucks more than tennis.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Tennis sucks

OK, I've been on hiatus for a while attending to personal business. However, I felt compelled to jot down a frustration of mine. I play recreational tennis (or at least, "think" I play tennis) and for some reason I can't find the right strings for my racquets. I was breaking the strings on my old racquet pretty often so I decided to buy a new one with a bigger "sweet spot". I hoped this would lead to my strings lasting longer. Unfortunately, the strings on my new racquet only lasted about 8 outings. Now I gotta freakin' dish out more money to get it restrung. I gotta stop "hacking" and hit better. I'm going to see if I can slow down my stroke and work on getting to the ball (i.e. better footwork). Or maybe just take up a different sport. Maybe cycling.