Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Three weeks later...

OK, so my plan of biking at least once a week didn't work. But now I'm back (and the weather's better) so I logged in another 10 miles this morning. I did Olympic Pky again. This time I was better prepared to tackle it east-bound. I didn't "zip" through it but just maintained a nice steady 12 mph. I wasn't as tired when I turned around to go west again. However, the Paseo Ranchero hill still kicked my butt.


  • Good for you. Keep it up. I'm out of town right now w/o my bike and I'm realling needing a ride. Thinking about going to ride the bike in the exercise center, but I usually get bored with them after a few minutes.

    Screw it, I need to put in the saddle time.

    You have inspired me to go down stair and put in 10 miles.

    Thanks, your the MAN!!!

    By Blogger Thor, at 19 February, 2009 19:02  

  • Thanks for the encouragement! Let's see if I can keep this at least a weekly thing.

    TC laughed when I told her that you could do 10 mi without breaking a sweat.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 20 February, 2009 08:53  

  • The Hotel only had a recumbent exercise bike, so I couldn't get into it. I use the treadmill for 30 minutes though, so thanks for that!!!

    My first 100 miler is next weekend already (March 1). The ride actually goes up Olympic Pkwy. It might actually be quite a site. I don't know how many people are in it. It could be upward of 1,000 though (then again it could be just 100).

    We are going to see the Tour of California this Sunday in North County. That should be cool too.

    By Blogger Thor, at 20 February, 2009 22:04  

  • Good job! Paseo Ranchero is pretty steep. Fun to go down. If you ever want to mix it up, come to kickboxing or boot camp with me. Even after 6 weeks they still kick my butt. I felt like throwing up multiple times this morning. Plus, you get to kick and punch stuff. Always fun.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2009 11:26  

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