Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hmmm... What to do?

OK, so I'm walking the sidewalk near my work and see this big black bird (blackbird, raven, crow, whatever it was) on the grass with what looks like a gimpy right wing. As I approach it, the bird slowly "waddles" a bit farther from the sidewalk. It was plain to see that this bird would not have put up much of a fight if it had to. So... what's a guy to do?

A. Call Animal Control to see if they could do something
B. Do nothing and let nature take care of it
C. Get a stick and finish it off
D. Other________


  • A. If it was rehabilitatable, they would find a place for it. If not, they would give it a humane and quick death.

    Same goes for me. Put me down quick and full of morphine. And with a vodka tonic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10 September, 2008 21:49  

  • Yeah, I was thinking about 'A', but I couldn't see someone coming out to rehabilitate one of these birds. I mean, they're pretty abundant around the area and the bird wasn't threatening anyone to warrant any type of emergency.

    Well, I didn't choose 'A' (but I'll remember your last comments in case the need arises)

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 12 September, 2008 22:49  

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