Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well I'm surprised!

Got my "health age" back based on the Part 1 tests. According to Kaiser's calculations, I actually now have a body of a healthy 38 year old. Which is great because it now matches my actual age. However, if I lower my cholesterol, I can improve my health age by 1.5 years. More exercise and a better diet should do it. Now, if I can only stick to that advice...


  • My scale says I have the metabolic rate of a 50 year old....

    I can't believe I paid money for that depressing scale.

    You need to be extra on guard for fake candles now (or are they???)

    By Blogger Thor, at 12 June, 2008 01:08  

  • get rid of that scale! that kind of sux man.

    so, uh can i try it next time we're over?

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 12 June, 2008 20:02  

  • hey, me too! I'd like to see what your scale has to say.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 13 June, 2008 21:23  

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