Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Friday, September 29, 2006

A sketch here, a sketch there...

I came across the following drawing in my files. It was done by Thane in 1984 (I think). The text may be hard to read, so I typed it out. I'm looking for more "classic" drawings to post. I thought I had one with "The Scribbler" somewhere. Thane, Ronin, Shogun, does this bring back memories?


Starring the:
SilverSurfboarder: throwing stars
Master Thrasher: with whip
Shadow: coming out of wall
Pee-Wee Killer: coming down from wall
Professor Rex: climbing over wall
Space Cowboy: with gun

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Open Says Me

After almost 9 years, our roll-up garage door has finally said to us "REPLACE ME". Those darn cheap house builders (Shea homes) of course used the lowest end garage doors. From my observation, about three years ago (maybe more) I noticed a slight crack in the bottom section's lower cross support. This caused the garage door to dip ever so slightly in the middle front edge when it was rolled up. It took up until now for this little dip to cause a similar crack in the second-to-the-bottom section's lower cross support. Now this second crack is causing more of a sag in the door in its up position. The increased sag now fakes out the garage door opener in believing something is preventing the door from closing. Thus, when we try to close the door, it won't close! Only by pushing up in the sagging area while closing the door will the door close.

So yesterday, I tried to put my own band-aid on the thing by bolting a couple of 1"x2" wooden stakes to the second crack on the inside of the door. Seems to work OK for now, but I'll have to check into getting a new door soon. Bummers.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

So many experiences in 30 years

I got a work-related page, so I missed my dinner with Canine, TC, Lotus, Shogun, Ronin, and HotFudge. I hope I don't get any more this Labor Day weekend.

Since I'm on the computer, I feel a need to recap my thoughts on the last two weeks. Hearing the passing of a good friend's younger sister two weeks ago really gripped my heart. Although I did not know her well personally, I knew of her through friends. Now, after going to her viewing yesterday and her funeral today, I know more about her and am saddened that I did not know her better. From emails, thoughts, and eulogies that were shared I am amazed at what she has accomplished in just 30 years. She was so outgoing. I envy that. I find myself being so calculated and analytical that I feel boring. Predictable. As my friend mentioned in his eulogy to his sister, one way to remember the way his sister led her life would be to do something out of the ordinary. I'll see if I can do that.

My friend collected pictures, excerpts from his sisters journals, and thoughts shared from people in his sister's life. It is a beautiful collection and really shows how much his sister loved life and wanted to experience it. The outpouring of affection from those attending the viewing and funeral was really touching. My condolences and sympathy go out to my friend and his family during this difficult time. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. It's sad that she is no longer with us, but judging by the lives she changed, I know her spirit will live on.