Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nice view

So I'm in my office cubicle (yes, imagine any scene in the movie Office Space and that's pretty much my work environment) last Friday when my coworker comes up and says he needs to use my digital camera. I carry it the bookbag I take to work. This is the free bookbag I got from Canine when she went to the Art Institute of California at San Diego. The camera is our older Pentax T10 which Canine liked for a while because of the touchscreen, but ended up hating the shutter speed. She now uses the Pentax W30 so I get the T10. Anyhow, my coworker took the following pictures from our office window (looking north-east)

It was pretty different seeing snow on these mountains. The pictures don't quite do the view justice. However, my coworker liked the first one enough to make it his computer "wallpaper".


  • nice photos of the rare snow on the mountains.

    but it's not hard core snow. now that would be cool. but i hate being cold. cold fronts go away!

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 22 February, 2008 20:14  

  • I was noticing the same thing too last Friday (like the 15th or something like that). I was driving East on the 76 and I was like WTF, there is snow on the mountains in the distance.

    I actually called Lotus about it while I was on the fwy becuase it's such an unusual thing to see around here.

    By Blogger Thor, at 23 February, 2008 17:21  

  • What a fab view! I'd get nothing done if I could see that from my office window. Our windows are so dirty It seems like it's a grey winters day - even in the summer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24 February, 2008 02:16  

  • Thanks for your comments Tismee2.

    These mountains normally don't show snow, which is why it is so unusual for us to see.

    Also, unfortunately, the view is from the confrence room windows. My cubicle is basically "land-locked". I don't get a window.

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 26 February, 2008 13:24  

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