Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

holding at 10 miles

Well, I was able to do 10 miles again this morning. This time I biked Telegraph. It didn't seem as hard as Olympic Pkwy. Then again, maybe my "bike legs" are just getting more used to it. I tried going up Paseo Ranchero again. Got a little further, but still had to stop and walk it up to the top.

Now to counter-act the healthy bike ride with a chicken enchilada and beef tamale at El Indio.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

working towards my century...

So a lot has happened since my last update months ago. Perhaps the dying bird was an omen to me. After 11+ years at my company, I was let go at the end of September. I got a decent severance package and with the unemployment checks, I wasn't too worried about my short term finances. I looked at it as a way to take a break and perhaps do something different. I figured I could spend a few months to *decompress* and spend more time with the family. So far, it's been great not worrying about work. However, reality is creeping in and I know I'll have to get back into the workforce somehow. I've been looking around, but most of the opportunities appear to require the same type of commute I had before (about 40 min one-way). I'm trying to find something closer to home. I'm hopeful something is out there. I just have to be persistent.

Anyhow, since I have some morning time these days, I dusted off my road bike and have been taking it around the neighborhood. Yesterday was my first attempt to take on Olympic Parkway (OP), south of my home. OP goes East/West and has 6 lanes (3 in each direction). By car, it seems pretty flat so I figured it wouldn't be too bad. I biked to OP and traveled west. I was going at a good clip (about 22 mph) and thought I'd be back home in no time. After about 1.5 mi, I turned around and headed east. UGH! I knew there was a slight incline, but MAN! I thought I'd be able to pedal at a more faster pace. I went about 4 mi east then turned around. The ride west was much easier.

That is, until I got back to the steep hill on my way back to my house. This hill is north on Paseo Ranchero from Telegraph Canyon Road. I've always wanted to tackle the hill to see if I could ride up it, so yesterday was my first attempt. I failed miserably. I got about halfway up then couldn't go any further. Walked it the rest of the way up. Getting back home from there was easy.

So that's now another goal. To get up that hill without stopping. All in all, I logged about 10 miles in yesterday's bike ride. I'm on my way to my century ride. A tip of my hat to Thor for getting really close to his century last year.