Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad Karma on the guy who snaked my camera

OK, so we're out on a nice morning at Balboa Park yesterday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its 1936 Exposition. PASACAT was performing at 1130. I'm taking pictures with wife's Samsung digital camera in the fourth row. PASACAT is about to perform so I switch from the camera to the videocamera. I'm pretty sure I put the camera in (or more likely "on") my backpack and start videotaping. While videotaping I can see out of the corner of my eye, wife taking pictures. I "assume" she took the Samsung camera and was taking pictures. However, when the performance ended and I started packing up, I asked wife where the Samsung camera was and she said she didn't know. She was taking pictures with her Panasonic camera. Huh? Then where the heck did the Samsung camera go??? Couldn't find it anywhere. After talking with friends sitting next to me, the most likely story is that "someone" sitting behind us snuck their hand in and stole the camera. Aw crud. Come on now. Really? Gads I was ticked off. Of course I'm looking behind and there looked like a "nice" couple and a "nice" older lady (who complimented wife on her eyeglass frame). To me they looked honest. So who were the scumbags that took my camera? Dang it! Why can't people be honest? Yeah, yeah, lesson learned. Friends were trying to keep me positive by saying "don't worry, it'll come back to you" (meaning Good Karma for me, Bad Karma for them). OK, I'll force myself to look at it that way.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I have officially started

Well, yesterday was my first day biking to work. Took me a whopping 10 minutes! Funny thing was, even though it was a short ride, I was a little tired. I was a little late getting out of the garage so I had to push myself a bit more than I would have liked. My coworkers were all smiles seeing me roll up and said it looked like I was riding a long time. One coworker told me it looked like I may have come from IB (Imperial Beach, that is). That made me laugh. Well, hopefully I'll look better after a few more bike rides to work.