Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sold by the name...

So I go with a coworker to this taco shop in Sorrento Valley for lunch. I'm feeling a wee bit tired so I figure I'll go get me one of these "energy" drinks. I don't usually get these things, but I figure why not? I ask the guy for a "Monster" drink, thinking "Yeah, that's sounds like it'll keep me going". Then the guy says, "Sorry, we're out of Monster drinks. How about 'Who's Your Daddy'?"

Well OK then!!! How can I go wrong with a drink with that name. I'm such a sucker for gimmicky names.


  • what a gay name! ha ha ha

    and i'm saying that in a GOOD way!

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 30 October, 2007 20:41  

  • The name works though. I remember there was a .com company with the same name that had a SuperBowl commercial that was pretty popular. Of course, the commercial had a busty woman almost losing her top...

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 31 October, 2007 07:40  

  • Soooooo, Canine..... who's your daddy?

    I almost bust a gut when I saw these guys hawking their wares at Camp Pendleton last summer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 October, 2007 21:04  

  • Hahaha!!! OMG! I've never heard of that! So...What did it taste like?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 01 November, 2007 16:59  

  • hey, you didn't even taste that 'carabao' energy drink i bought you from vien dong III...

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 01 November, 2007 18:50  

  • That was and they are actually still around and doing ok. I think they do something with webhosting.

    I wouldn't blame you for not drinking a carabou energy drink. It was probably just moose milk or something like that.

    By Blogger Thor, at 01 November, 2007 21:45  

  • hey c, from what I remember, "who's your daddy?" actually tasted ok. very sweet. you can tell there's a lot of sugar in it. pretty much what i expected. if someone handed me one, i wouldn't have any problem drinking it.

    thanks thor for clarifying that commerical. i just remember the daddy part.

    as for carabou, stay tuned to the next post...

    By Blogger bert wolfe, at 02 November, 2007 14:16  

  • it's carabao people

    By Blogger caninecologne, at 03 November, 2007 20:29  

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