Peel back foil to expose tater tots...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The next Bobby Fischer?

There was a book fair today in front of a building next to my office building. A couple of coworkers suggested I check it out. They picked up a few things for their kids (puzzles, trivia games, knitting sets) along with some books. TC had just ordered books via the Scholastic Book Club today (I remember ordering the "Dynamite" magazine as a kid) so I wasn't expecting to get any more.

So I check out the book fair. Decent stuff, but nothing that really catches my attention. I'm about to leave when I notice this "Deluxe Glass Chess Set" propped up on a middle table. Looks pretty nice so I go over to see how expensive it is. Yep, the tag lists it retail price at $60. Ouch. However, this book fair is selling it for $5. Wha? I do a double-take. Yes, five freakin' bucks. Oh, hell yeah I'm picking it up. The guy at the cash register confims the price and I'm off. My coworkers couldn't believe they missed it. They said they saw it, but expected it to cost $20 or more.

I get home and TC wants to open the set to take a look. It has a glass board with clear glass and frosted glass pieces. I show her where all the pieces start out and how each piece moves. We didn't have much time to do much tonight, but at least she's shown an interest!

Here's a picture of the set:

Side-note: I tried refreshing my chess skills against the computer at the "beginner" level and got trashed. Looks like I'll need a lot of practice to make sure TC doesn't beat me.